Courtney Frances Fallon



LOOK AT ME was written for "Hands Off My CUNTry", a group show of erotica art January 11-21, 2017 protesting Conservative efforts to limit reproductive rights and Trump's misogyny at Undercurrent Projects in Manhattan. I was invited by curator and artist Savannah Spirit to show my series, Vagina Postcards (2009), and create a performance for the opening.

The impending political and social repression demanded a performance that was simultaneously serious and aggressive without being didactic to the gallery audience already brimming with dissent. This led to absurd and grotesque humor.

LOOK AT ME explores the aftermath of vaginal rape from the perspective of the victim, shortly after November 8th, 2016. An unnamed nude woman, Woman, speaks directly to the audience. She was raped at a party and is pressing charges. Woman worries Trump has brought a new paradigm where a rapist could deny the charges because a victim isn't "assaultable" - worthy of being violated?

Instead of espousing dismay or disdain for this indignity - Woman adjusts to this reality and begins the campaign to prove her worth in the context of the male gaze. She's desperate to endear herself and brings her A-game.

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